The combat instructor, Flint Kindleweld, is a child prodigy if there ever was one. The Kindleweld’s are a royal bloodline that govern the Southern Realms. Flint, however, had no interest in holding court, the only thing he wanted to hold was tempered steel. As a young boy he received instruction from the finest warriors in Volcaro and quickly proved he was proficient with nearly any weapon.
So, instead of remaining in the royal palace, he was shipped to the Ember Core. Only the most elite fighters in Volcaro are welcomed into the Ember Core and it is the highest honor a swordsman can receive. So much so, serving in the Core is an undebatable requirement to become King of Volcaro.
Flint’s passion for battle intimidates most, but inspires some. He is terribly suave, confident, and an excellent instructor. Obviously, Flint prefers to be on the front lines of combat leading the charge with his infamous “Burnt Blade.”
Flint’s dragon, Ignacio, is as reckless and lively as he is. Ignacio is a white, Ravager Class dragon, with crimson stripes.